Sunday, August 21, 2011

Black Bean Sweet Potato Burrito

1 can Trader Joe's Organic Black Beans
1 can Trader Joe's Vegetarian Re-fried Beans
1/2 cup Soy Rizo (Tofu Chorizo)
1 ea Yam (Medium Sized)
1 ea Mango
1/2 cup Trader Joe's Frozen Corn
2 tbs Trader Joe's Salsa Verde
1 tbs Mexican Hot/Taco Sauce
Trader Joe's Brown Rice Tortilla
Pan Spray
1 ea Banana
1 ea Apple
10 ea Grapes
1 ea Navel Orange

1. Make a fruit Salad with the banana, apple, grapes, and orange.

2. Wash the potato and cut into cubes that look good to fit in the burrito. Place in pot with cold water. Bring up to simmer and cook til tender. Strain.

3. Peel and chop mango. Mix in a bowl with corn, cooked potato, and sauces.

4. Spray a pan and cook the soy rizo on medium heat for 3 minutes. Turn heat to medium low and add both cans of beans. Cook til hot. Transfer to the bowl with corn/mango mix.

5. Warm up tortilla and wrap burritos. Serve with fruit salad.

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